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Acupressure Neck Massage


Balance Your Chi

The term “shiatsu” is derived from the Japanese word meaning “finger pressure”. While it is a form of Japanese bodywork, shiatsu is based on concepts from traditional Chinese medicine.

A Shiatsu practitioner will use their fingers, palms, and thumbs to apply healing pressure to the client. This serves both as a diagnosis and treatment of the organ reflexes and their corresponding meridians. The pressure will balance the body’s energy and help improve the overall health of the client. Clients leave feeling more balanced and relaxed as this modality treats the entire body, both physical and mental.



Natural Healing

Scars and or adhesions are a byproduct of surgeries, trauma/injuries, nodal removal/dissections, and radiation.

If left untreated scars/adhesions can cause complications, such as discomfort, postural dysfunction, pain, decreased sensation, and limited range of motion.

Specific scar techniques are applied to an area with the goal of breaking up collagenous crosslinks/restrictions. This is best done during the remodeling phase as the matrix forms during this phase. The technique used will be specific to the character of scar being treated.

It's never too late to treat scars!!

Should a patient request treatment following a surgical procedure, I will carefully assess the tissue and design a treatment plan appropriate for their presenting symptoms/case.

Treatment  protocols will address compensatory structures (working distally from the scar) MLD is indicated to stimulate the lymphatics (expedites healing) gradually working our way towards the scar/adhered tissue when indicated.

The more aggressive scar techniques can start 12-18 weeks post surgery.

The type of treatment and area of focus will depend on the persons inflammation and stage of healing.

Restrictions, limited range of motion, cording/pain are common concerns with individuals having undergone mastectomies, radiation or nodal procedures.

My clients are often amazed at how effective this treatment is and how much range of motion is restored.

Image by Toa Heftiba


An Ancient Science

Deep tissue massage is one of the most common and effective massage therapy modalities. It includes a variety of strokes, ranging from short to long in a gliding fashion, frictions, tapping, and trigger point therapy.

The techniques being applied depends on the area being treated and the desired effect/outcomes. Massage therapists also incorporate stretching to elongate the musculature, and joint mobilizations to increase range of motion when needed.

Benefits of Massage:

  • Relaxation

  • Reduces Stress

  • Increase Flexibility

  • Improve Posture

  • Improve circulation

  • Endorphin release

  • Removes metabolites

  • Improves sleep

  • Detoxification

  • Increases immunity

  • Relieves tension




Restore Body Alignment

NISA is a powerful and transformative modality, working directly with the fascia. Fascia is connective tissue that envelopes every muscle, holding and shaping cells, organs, vessels/nerves and wraps around bone/periosteum. Its role of connection is vital to how we function as humans. Overtime one may develop postural dysfunction or chronic discomfort / pain to do imbalances in the fascia. This can be a result of injuries, surgeries to name a few. We as humans have an adept ability to adapt to these assaults on the body otherwise known as compensations.

The role of a NISA therapist is to address these compensatory structures. By doing so our aim is to restore optimal function, reduce pain/discomfort by having the muscles work more independently, instead of adhered as “one unit”.

The techniques are deep tissue applications to the fascia, engaging the fascia with “less glide” to create a change in the viscosity, making it more pliable. The strokes are applied  segmentally along the tissue, while reducing the adhesions that keep the tissue “stuck” and shortened.

Treating the fascia and re-educating the tissue with remex results in longer lasting effects felt by the patients.

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Young beautiful woman enjoying cupping m


Relieve Muscle tTension and Promote Cell Repair

This can be used in conjunction with other alternative therapies. It takes into account the whole person and helps activate each patient’s natural healing processes as well as restoring their physical and emotional well-being.



Improve Wound Healing and Reduce Scarring

Manual Lymph Drainage is a gentle noninvasive manual technique, which incorporates 4 of the basic Vodder strokes. It can be performed and altered to accommodate the patient’s needs. MLD has been proven to expedite post-surgical healing due to its direct impact on the immune system via the lymphatics. It also works on the Parasympathetic nervous system by inducing a sedating/relaxation effect.

Following nodule removal/dissections/radiation/mastectomies an individual may experience an accumulation of lymph fluid in the affected limb. My role as a CLT/MLD specialist is to decongest this area by rerouting the lymph fluid to drain via “anastomoses” to neighboring lymph node. It’s important to drain the areas presenting with fluid accumulation to prevent fibrosis (hardening of the tissue) and minimize the risk of infection, as this is an increased byproduct of a lymphedema.

Benefits of MLD:

  • Trauma/Injuries

  • Post surgical healing

  • Lipo-Lymphedema

  • Improves wound healing and scarring

  • Detoxifying

  • Analgesic

  • Decongestive

  • Decreases anxiety/stress

  • Strains/Sprains

  • Sinusitis

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